Q:  I want my head to be clear but I keep remembering things I don't want to remember.  How do I let it go?

​It's always good you want to let things go, but it's a process and it begins with forgiveness.

Within the journey of forgiveness, we have to not only dig deep within ourselves but be honest with ourselves and this isn't the easiest thing to do.  Especially, if it's something we're not comfortable in examining.  But the question is, how much do you really want your mind to be clear and free from whatever ails it?  If your answer is, I want a mentally/spiritually balanced mind that promotes clarity then digging into the trenches of experiences is worth any uncomfortable things you find.

In the process of review, begin to lay a new foundation of forgiveness.  Why? Because in the depths of forgiveness you find love and love in it's pure unadulterated "Godly" form is healing. So, let the healing process begin.  Allow it to permeate all of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors until it steers you toward the clear, peaceful mind that God created you to have. When you do, you'll begin to find the uncomfortable, hurtful feelings associated with your remembrances begin to fade allowing you to let go even more.  Keeping in mind, forgiveness doesn't always mean you'll never remember what you are wanting to forget.  For most of us it means, as we live within forgiveness inside the depths of God's love, we see our past experiences through different vision and understanding.

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