​​​​​​​​​​Earn Your Certificate in Our Prophetic Program
This customized department program provides 2 bundles to choose from that offers intensive course work about
the purpose of prophecies and Biblical interpretations, a 4 step approach to revelations and various theories about the return of Jesus Christ.  These study bundles includes exams.

Course work bundles:

  • 3 courses
  • 2 courses

All individul courses, whether in categories or separate, offers credits that can be applied into one of our degree programs. What this means is that if you are not ready to enroll into a degree program you can still take individual courses that can be applied towards your future degree. 

  • Category studies offers additional tuition discounts. 
  • Courses taken from our Standard Course Library offers the least expensive way to achieve your academic or degree goal.

Tuition Overview

Our DLSM Tuition Site is currently unavailable due to upgrading our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Contact the administrative office for tuition at 615.592.1379 or via email at admin@dlschoolofministry.com

3 Courses - SCC-PX3BF

Payment Plans - category  3.  Pay-as-you-go  

This 3 bundle category provides the following courses;

  1. ​Studies of Revelations: presents a 4 step approach; preterist interpretation, historical interpretation, spiritualizing interpretation, futurist interpretation
  2.  Biblical Prophecy: presents the purpose of prophecy and interpreting biblical prophecy
  3. Our Destiny:  presents various theories of Jesus’ return, post, mid and pre-tribulation while examining what the Bible has to say about end time events

2 Course Bundle - SCC-PX2B

Payment Plans - category  3.  Pay-as-you-go 

 Choose your 2 bundle course selection;

  1. ​Studies in Revelation / Biblical Prophecy
  2. Biblical Prophecy / Our Destiny
  3. Our Destiny / Studies in Revelation


Categories -Library


Credit Transfer Department

DLSM's transfer department is where we evaluate and anticipate your transfer opportunities within the DLSM Credit Transferring Policy.  Whether you've previously attended a university, community or Bible college, etc., all transferring credits will be reviewed, on an individual basis, with credit award determination to follow. 

Our criteria to meet transferring credit awards is a combination of standard religious academia credits and those awarded at the community college level.
