Church & Psychology

Student Services

At DLSM, although you’ve chosen to study on your schedule you are not alone. We are available and ready to assist you in every phase of your Christian education journey with the following;

  • Enrollment Counselor:
  • Academic Support/Mentor:  
  • Prayer Support:
  • Tuition Hardship Payment Program     
  • Graduation Counselor:
  • Placement Services
  • Extended hours and days for student assistance
  1. Mon - Fri  11:30 am - 7:30 pm MT
  2. Sat 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm MT
  3. Communication methods;  tel, text, email fax and online


​​Commitment to Academic and Religious Disciplines

Every department within DLSM is committed to student education that is based upon a distinctive Christian perspective that is built upon our 
Biblical, evangelical heritage.  


We exist to educate students to minister the gospel effectively in their homes, communities, country and abroad by becoming educated representatives of God through servant leadership.

​​​​​​​​​​Earn Your Certificate in Our Church & Psychology Program
This customized department program provides 3 bundles to choose from that offers intensive course work about the use of psychology within churches today, it’s effects, and how to prepare and assist others God’s way as Christians caring for souls.

Course work bundles:

  • 6 courses
  • 3 courses
  • 2 courses

All individul courses, whether in categories or separate, offers credits that can be applied into one of our degree programs. What this means is that if you are not ready to enroll into a degree program you can still take individual courses that can be applied towards your future degree. 

  • Category studies offers additional tuition discounts. 
  • Courses taken from our Standard Course Library offers the least expensive way to achieve your academic or degree goal.

6 Course Bundle - SCC-CPX6BF  

Payment Plans - category  3.  Pay-as-you-go  

This 6 bundle category provides the following courses;

  1. Biblical Counseling and Psycho-heresy: presents the need to establish a pure scripture based model  for counseling versus Christian psychologist’s whose practice is modeled on the concepts and procedures of secular psychotherapy
  2. Person to Person Ministry: presents a Christ-centered approach to nurturing the believers spiritual life and confronting problems through exercising faith in Christ and His word within “person to person soul care”
  3. House of Cards: a secular presentation as to why Christians shouldn’t use or dispense Psychology  
  4. Psychology and the Church: presents the background of psychological counseling theories utilized by Christians, the absorption into Christian practices and the concerns about integrating psychology with the Bible
  5. Competent to Minister: presents effective ways Christ works through believers as they minister God’s grace through biblical conversation, prayer and practical help
  6. End of Christian Psychology: describes and analyzes major psychological theories influence Christians that is questionable at best to its detrimental effects upon the church   

Our DLSM Tuition Site is currently unavailable due to upgrading our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Contact the administrative office for tuition at 615.592.1379 or via email at

3 Course Bundle - SCC-CPX3B 

 A study about the use of psychology within churches today. It’s effects, and how to prepare and assist others God’s way as Christians caring for souls.  

Payment Plans - category  3.  Pay-as-you-go  ​

Choose your 3 bundle category; 

  1. Person to Person Ministry / House of Cards / Psychology and the Church
  2. House of Cards / Psychology and the Church / Competent to Minister
  3. End of Christian Psychology / Competent to Minister / Person to Person Ministry

Our DLSM Tuition Site is currently unavailable due to upgrading our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Contact the administrative office for tuition at 615.592.1379 or via email at



 2 Course Bundle - SCC-CPX2B   

A study about the use of psychology within churches today, it’s effects, and how to prepare and assist others God’s way as Christians caring for souls. 

Payment Plans - category  3.  Pay-as-you-go 

Choose your 2 course bundle selection.

  1. Person to Person Ministry / House of Cards
  2. Psychology and the Church / Competent to Minister
  3. Competent to Minister / End of Christian Psychology
  4. Person to Person Ministry / Psychology and the Church
  5. House of Cards / End of Christian Psychology
  6. Competent to Minister / Person to Person Ministry

Our DLSM Tuition Site is currently unavailable due to upgrading our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Contact the administrative office for tuition at 615.592.1379 or via email at

​Church & Psychology

Categories -Library